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Role: Game Designer / Level Designer / Narrative Designer
Genre: Educational / Action / Adventure / RPG
Team: Kuato Studios
Engine: Unity
Platform: Android / IOS
Status: Released
Project Description: The citizens of New York need your help. There’s chaos in the city after Green Goblin hatches his plan to release his villainous cronies from jail. You’re going to need to use your wit, might and super-powers to investigate mysterious happenings throughout the city. Build super-charged sentences to take down the lawbreakers, save the day, and rid New York of crime.
Game Designer:
Designed and Implemented Cinematic Intro's for each hero.
Managed Data Sets and Implemented new content using in-built tools.
Designed and Implemented live service content including new Maps, Stories and Heroes.
Balanced in-game elements to ensure a fair play environment.
Researched, Designed and Implemented new systems to improve foundational gameplay.
Worked directly with IP holder to ensure new design content was on brand.
Level Designer:
Designed, Whiteboxed and Prototyped new areas before assembling them in-game.
Use tilesets to construct new areas, decorating them with props.
Narrative Designer:
Scripted several live service content drops, ranging from character one-shots to a sequential trilogy.
Implemented several new characters to the game, and ingrained them into the overarching narrative.
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